Although this is the SS10 collection, there is just something about this style that has me excited for the upcoming SS11.
Eager for spring to arrive I have stated wearing nice pale nail polishes similar to the colors below.
It's the soft look I'm going for this time around.
Prepare for spring by buying colorful dresses that can be dressed up or down.
My main attraction has to be these taupe on taupe looks.
I guess I can call that taupe right?
Well yes, I had already predetermined that I would attempt to start wearing an entire fit in only one color and Burberry has set my decision in stone for me.
Thank you!
I love matching(color)socks with shoes, I can't wait to try this!

above picture via: StyleByMe
Everything about this Burberry collection get's me.
They're very persuasive.
Xxo, 5star
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