
Happy Birthday Aaliyah

Sending a special HAPPY 31st BIRTHDAY to
Aaliyah Dana Haughton.
As a young girl my friends and I always chose celebrities that we wanted to be, I always chose Aaliyah.
I admired her for her successes and for the major impact she left on the world at such a young age.
She was in a far different league from her peers.
In the 4th grade (2001) I was finally allowed to make an email address for when I visited websites like Barbie.com, it was very easy for me to choose a name.
"liyah" starts off my personal email address, that's a short name for Aaliyah; the password also relates to her.
I still use that email address to this day,
and I use the same password for everything
(including blogger :)).
You can only imagine how heart broken I was on August 25, 2001 when my mom told me the bad news.
That day changed me and my view of life forever.
Before then I never believed that a person could die so young;
but after that day it made me appreciate my life so much more.
Can't take anything for granted.
I loved Aaliyah along with millions of others but another angel has found her place in heaven.
Rest Peacefully Babygirl xox

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